Monday, May 4, 2009

Peter Lansky, 35

He yanks the rope hard, and the meat-hook on the other end obliges him by rising towards the proscenium arch over the stage. The zombie's arm, pierced at the elbow, follows it upwards, causing the creature to pirouette. The creature struggles against this, but the hooks in its other three limbs make the effort useless. It moans.

"If it were me," Peter says to the corpse, as he would to his actors, "I'd make myself into a doll. Make myself dance like I mean it!" Peter grabs two more ropes, and uses them to have the zombie goose-step across the stage. Peter is wearing headphones. The opera drowns out the creature's protests.

Peter kicks a weight off another pile of ropes. From the loft above the stage another zombie crashes to the stage floor. It is Peter's Ex-wife Anna: very recently his Ex. Peter had decided to call her his ex after she died.

"Learn the steps," he says as she rises to her feet. "Practice."

She lunges towards him, but from the house he has plenty of time to grab her leashes and put her on her mark.

It was sheer luck Peter hadn't been killed by the zombies. He'd been hiding in his wife's dressing room, waiting to catch Anna and her lover unguarded. He didn't get his chance, sadly. When Anna entered the dressing room she was already dead, like the other one here and all of them outside. He was lucky he already had the meat-hooks on him.

"I'd become the character, give myself over to it," he says. He brings the two meat puppets together fast and hard. With a flick the zombies fall into the bed placed on the stage and thrash around in the sheets wildly. There is more moaning. The opera has ended. Peter is crying. Peter is smiling.

"Because I cannot escape it," he lets go of the ropes and joins the couple in bed.

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